Smokers, Stand Up and Take Back Your Dignity!
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Thoughts and Observations on smoking issues.
My purpose is to create a history of editorials, letters and related items/articles on smoking and tobacco. - Garnet Dawn
A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves." --Bertrand de Jouvenel
"This link from the Guardian imagines a smoking ban fueled by assassination of smokers in their cars by rooftop snipers. A facetious exercise in public cynicism? Or a shape of worst things to come if we do not arrest the trend of smoke fascism in modern American society? You decide.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector. – Plato circa 400 B.C.
"We require shopping centers to put railings on stairs and install sprinkler systems for public safety. This is a proper next step," says Baltimore County Councilman Kevin Kamenetz, who sponsored the ordinance.Why does the questionable logic in the above quotation sound so familiar?
"...Of course it is an intrusion. But on the other side, it protects the public's right to not be harmed. Bars and restaurants have to use clean plates, their workers have to wash their hands after using the restroom, there are temperature controls on food -- those are laws. Why? Because in the past we've seen the need to regulate business to protect people from harm. That is the price of doing business in our society..." ( )This new proposed ordinance will simply chip away another piece from our personal liberties to serve public safety. I have also noticed that the city is not offering to subsidize businesses by paying for these security cameras. What has happened to our Bill of Rights which states in the Fifth Amendment "...nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation"?
Recap - Illinois Smokers Rights Meeting - February 18, 2006
Marshall McGearty Tobacco Lounge - Chicago, ILIllinois Smokers Rights held a very successful meeting last Saturday, February 18, at the Marshall McGearty Tobacco Lounge in Chicago. Our turnout was excellent and Bill Walker, McGearty's General Manager, was a gracious host. While attendees enjoyed sipping coffee and smoking cigarettes during a very productive first meeting, which lasted almost three hours, we had additional McGearty patrons join our gathering.
Every individual present joined in a spirited discussion of our planned agenda to begin forming Illinois Smokers into a physically productive group. Included among those present were both smokers and non-smokers with the common purpose of defending and promoting individual life-style choices.
We will be meeting again in four weeks to review our progress and further discuss our goals for involving a wider circle of members. In this way, we will be better able to contact our legislative representatives, individual restaurant and bar owners, college pro-choice advocates and others with similar Libertarian viewpoints. We will also be reviewing our committee formation progress and creation of ways to fight tax discrimination against the consumers of a legal product in Illinois.
Garnet Dawn - The Smoker's Club, Inc. - Midwest Regional Director
The United Pro Choice Smokers Rights Newsletter -
Illinois Smokers Rights -
Illinois Smokers Forum - - Respect Freedom of Choice!
Liberal Democrat environment spokesman Norman Baker: "Patio heaters are an absurd invention. It is ludicrous that people are trying to heat the open air, as well as being irresponsible in the light of the climate change challenge we face."They wanted this indoor ban. Now, live with it! - Garnet Dawn
Patio heaters allow people to eat, drink and smoke outside.
As campaigners cheer a total smoking ban, there are fears
sending smokers outside will lead to a huge increase in
greenhouse gas-emitting patio heaters.
"Cigar smokers would pay $10 million more a year under a change that Blagojevich says would equalize tax rates for cigars and cigarettes."Bigger and more wasteful government in Illinois in 2007? Don't forget Cook County and Chicago budgets, over and above the state's spending plans.....
"Blagojevich's budget calls for state government to spend $55.3 billion in fiscal 2007, an increase of $950 million, or 1.7 percent."Garnet Dawn